If you are thinking of becoming a vendor, anyone Sponsoring the convention, at any tier, before March 1, 2024, can purchase one guaranteed Vendor Space at only $40.

Click here for becoming a Sponsor

We love our Vendors!!!!

Crashcitycon offers a 50+ booth vendor room as well as 10 community tables for those who want to do promotions. Applications close on June 30th 2024.

The vendor room will be open during the following hours:

Vendor Check In: Friday 12:00pm

Vendor Room Hours of Operation

Friday: 4pm-8pm

Saturday: 10am-7pm

Sunday: 10am-5pm

Vendor Spaces (10X10 space) are $100 for each for the weekend and include table, 2 chairs and 2 weekend badges with the name of the vendor.

Community Tables are free to potential community members seeking to spread word about their organization. This is for the weekend and includes table, 2 chairs 1 weekend con badge with the name of the organization. Space is very limited and acceptance of the application is at the direct discrepancy of CrashCityCon staff. No merchandise or other offerings may be directly sold at the community tables.

To be a vendor, fill out the form below; deadline for applications is August 15:

Vendor Room

Community Table

Company Contact Name(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.