To all Vendors, Convention goers, and participants;

Any money (credit/debit cards or cash etc….), merchandise, and personal items/property that is misplaced, lost, or stolen, during the convention, CrashCity Gaming Convention and Holiday Inn Express Hotel along with their organizers, staff, employees, volunteers, and affiliates are not and will not be held responsible (legal or otherwise) for the missing above aforementioned items.

The breaking of any rules set and/or established by CrashCity Convention and Holiday In Express Hotel during and in the convention areas will be dealty with by the hotel management, convention heads and/or both. Depending on the severity of the violation you could be asked to leave, and/or be banned from, the convention or the hotel itself.

Any CRIMINAL activity taking place during the convention if caught WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!! You will be TOLD to leave the convention and its areas by both the convention heads/staff and hotel management. Law enforcement from that point most likely will be notified and will then handle the issue. Any criminal activity resulting in injury (permanent or otherwise), death, impairment, etc… or any other concern the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and CrashCity Convention and their organizers, staff, employees, volunteers, and affiliates are and will not be held responsible (legal or otherwise).